Antimatter Is The Most Expensive Thing In The World The Cost Of One Gram Is 73 Trillion Dollars

Antimatter Is The Most Expensive Thing In The World The Cost Of One Gram Is 73 Trillion Dollars

If you were asked what would be the most expensive thing in the world, then things like diamond, platinum, gold or uranium would probably come in your mind. It is true that all these things are very valuable. But their value is nothing in comparison to that thing, which is said to be the most expensive substance in the world. The price of this substance is so high that even if the 2 richest men of India, i.e. Mukesh Ambani and Gautam Adani sell their entire property, they cannot buy a single gram of it. So let’s know what is this thing.

what is antimatter

Antimatter is a copy substance, the most important thing is that everything inside its atom is reverse. As in a normal atom, there is a nucleus with positive charge and electrons with negative charge. Whereas, the antimatter atom has a nucleus with a negative charge and electrons with a positive charge. Actually, it is a kind of fuel, which is used in spacecrafts and planes. The biggest thing is that it is not found anywhere near the earth or its atmosphere. This substance is prepared in the lab. Because of this it is so expensive. It is also used to make nuclear weapons. At the same time, it is also used in medical imaging in hospitals and radioactive molecules as positron emission tomography.

how expensive is antimatter

Let us tell you that at present the cost of one gram of antimatter is more than 90 trillion dollars. If it is converted into Indian rupees, then it will be equal to about 73 lakh billion rupees. Its cost is so high because it takes years of time and a lot of money to make it. You will be surprised to know that so far only 10 nanograms of antimatter has been made in the world. Actually, if you want to make one gram of antimatter, then you need 25 million billion kilowatts of electricity per hour.

when was it discovered

The discovery of antimatter occurred at the beginning of the 20th century. However, for the first time in the year 1928, Scientist Paul Dirac told about it to the whole world. Since then, scientists from all over the world are doing research on it and trying to make it in the lab. All the scientists around the world believe that along with the debris scattered in the space after the Big Bang, this antimatter also spread in the entire universe and it is still present in the universe. Some scientists believe that antimatter is formed naturally when there is an incident of breaking of stars into two parts by black holes.

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